Portland, Oregon has one of the most vibrant bisexual communities in the world. I have said for years that Portland can do for bisexuals what San Francisco did for gays.
This year during Portland Pride, the bisexual comunity has a very strong presence. The Bi Brigade will be marching in the parade on Sunday Morning and anyone who would like to march with us is welcome! We are meeting at SW 5th and Stark at 10:30AM sharp.
Stop by the Bisexual Resource Booth at the waterfront pride festival during both days of pride weekend. We will be selling t-shirts and connecting people to the various facets of Portland's bisexual community, including:
Bi Bar! This mixer/dance party takes place every 2nd Tuesday at 8pm at Crush Bar. Admission is always free, 21+.
Bi/Pan conversation group. Takes place every 4th Tuesday at Q Center in North Portland from 7-8:30 PM. This conversation group made the formation of Bi Brigade possible and many of our members attend every month. If you are interested in joining BI Brigade, this group is the perfect opportunity to join our community! To be added to our e-mail list for reminders, e-mail [email protected]
Being Bi* is a series of group discussions and activities designed and facilitated by psychotherapist Morgan Fitz Gibbon, M.A. This is an Affirmative Therapy group for adults who experience sexual or romantic attractions that are not limited by gender. The group focuses on issues related to being bisexual such as coming out, identity invisibility, discrimination in both the gay and straight community, dating, (non-)monogamy, sex, and more.
visit www.bisexualtherapist.com for more information.
The Bi Cast is a podcast for the bisexual community that started here in Portland, Oregon and has grown roots all over the world, including England, Australia, India, New York, North Carolina, Kentucky, Washington DC, Michigan. This project is co-sponsored by BiNet USA, a national network for bisexual organizations and individuals across the United States and encourages participation and organizing on local and national levels.
Happy Pride Everyone! Be safe. Be Bi. Be Proud.
This year during Portland Pride, the bisexual comunity has a very strong presence. The Bi Brigade will be marching in the parade on Sunday Morning and anyone who would like to march with us is welcome! We are meeting at SW 5th and Stark at 10:30AM sharp.
Stop by the Bisexual Resource Booth at the waterfront pride festival during both days of pride weekend. We will be selling t-shirts and connecting people to the various facets of Portland's bisexual community, including:
Bi Bar! This mixer/dance party takes place every 2nd Tuesday at 8pm at Crush Bar. Admission is always free, 21+.
Bi/Pan conversation group. Takes place every 4th Tuesday at Q Center in North Portland from 7-8:30 PM. This conversation group made the formation of Bi Brigade possible and many of our members attend every month. If you are interested in joining BI Brigade, this group is the perfect opportunity to join our community! To be added to our e-mail list for reminders, e-mail [email protected]
Being Bi* is a series of group discussions and activities designed and facilitated by psychotherapist Morgan Fitz Gibbon, M.A. This is an Affirmative Therapy group for adults who experience sexual or romantic attractions that are not limited by gender. The group focuses on issues related to being bisexual such as coming out, identity invisibility, discrimination in both the gay and straight community, dating, (non-)monogamy, sex, and more.
visit www.bisexualtherapist.com for more information.
The Bi Cast is a podcast for the bisexual community that started here in Portland, Oregon and has grown roots all over the world, including England, Australia, India, New York, North Carolina, Kentucky, Washington DC, Michigan. This project is co-sponsored by BiNet USA, a national network for bisexual organizations and individuals across the United States and encourages participation and organizing on local and national levels.
Happy Pride Everyone! Be safe. Be Bi. Be Proud.